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Our way of working is anchored upon United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 17 (SDG17), where sustainable development is achieved through global and multi-stakeholder partnerships. Our governance structure reflects this approach and our commitment to diversity.
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Grow Asia Joint Council Meeting on 11 September, 2023

Grow Asia’s Governance Structure is designed to reflect our commitment to multi-stakeholder collaboration and participatory design. At the heart of this structure lies the Grow Asia Business Council and the Grow Asia Partners Advisory Council. Together, these twin Councils engage with the Grow Asia Secretariat to guide the focus, priorities, and activities of Grow Asia.

The Grow Asia Partners Advisory Council is an independent advisory body comprising government agencies, non-profit entities, and non-government organizations representing the range of agriculture-based societal and environmental issues facing the region. The Partners Advisory Council provides strategic guidance and support to the country programmes and advises the Secretariat on the social and environmental impact of the Flagships and Impact Funds. Membership of the Partners Advisory Council is open to any public sector entity, non-government organization, or non-profit entity engaged in the agri-food and forestry sector, including farmers associations, development agencies, research institutes, and multi-lateral government bodies.

The Grow Asia Business Council is a high-level advisory body that brings together company leaders to help shape the Grow Asia partnership and the Country Partnerships, to develop a robust and market-driven approach, and to lead by example through investing in viable projects on the ground. Members of the Grow Asia Business Council are companies or entities engaged in the production, distribution or sale of agriculture, food, or forestry products in Asia-Pacific, including entities engaged in the financial and support sectors.

Membership to our Councils is by invitation only, and is open to entities that wish to champion and drive Grow Asia’s mission of building inclusive, resilient, and sustainable food systems in Southeast Asia. More information can be found in the Grow Asia Constitution - which outlines the Terms of Reference of the Grow Asia Councils - or by contacting the Grow Asia team members listed below.

Grow Asia Partners 
Advisory Council

Local and global NGOs and public sector entities make up the Grow Asia Partners Advisory Council. The members provide active guidance, including the development of a project design checklist, reviewing the Grow Asia performance measurement metrics, commissioning specific research in support of Grow Asia's projects, and partnering directly with projects on the ground.​



  • ASEAN Secretariat - (Co-Chair)

  • Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA) - (Co-Chair)

  • Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Rural Development (AFA)


  • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia)

  • Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (UK)

  • International Development Research Centre

  • International Finance Corporation

  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

  • Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund

  • Mercy Corps

  • Oxfam

  • Save the Children

  • SNV

  • Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH)

  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

  • Swisscontact

  • Viet Nam Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

  • Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN)

Grow Asia 
Business Council

The Grow Asia Business Council includes the CEOs and regional heads of local and global companies. Member companies provide strategic input to Grow Asia and our Country Partnerships, invest in value chains, and support the development of innovative solutions.




  • Acre

  • Bayer Crop Science 

  • Beanstalk Agtech

  • Cargill

  • East-West Seed - (Co-Chair)

  • Food Action Alliance

  • Mars

  • Olam Agri

  • Partnership For Indonesia's Sustainable Agriculture (PISAgro)

  • Syngenta 

  • Thai Wah Public Company Ltd

  • Visa - (Co-Chair)

  • Wavemaker Impact

  • World Economic Forum

Council Meeting Minutes

Want to get involved?



Executive Director


Head, Partnerships

Pranav Rastogi_edited.jpg

Head, Communications

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